Saturday, July 25

Sunny and warm. An inherited Buddleia bush is attracting the Peacock and Painted Lady butterfly. The Red Admiral is also enjoying the nectar from its many puce flowers. I rarely see this butterfly nowadays, not like the Painted Lady who, this year is abundant in large numbers. The Holly Blue and Gatekeeper butterflies are residents of the garden too.

The colour of the moment is blue, with Anchusa, Echinops, Salvia and Eryngium. The latter two have blue stems, especially so the Sea Holly, which is vibrant blue.

Separated and re-potted Auriculas, and have made lots more plants for the borders next Spring. Dug up the rapid spread of Galium (Sweet Woodruff).


  1. It's a real treat to see these butterflies; we see so few in the garden nowadays.
    I remember visiting a place called Kingley Vale,in Sussex,years ago and there were butterflies everywhere!
    I wonder if you have visited..or even if it still exists?
    Sal ;-)

  2. Love the butterfly bush we have purple, yellow and white at home. I've noticed that the Peacock will always favour the white buddelia.

  3. I've mostly seen white butterflies on the allotments. Blue is my favourite colour! xx

  4. hi Louise! Just wanted to say hi as I was passing through your blogs like a butterfly myself. Attracted by your lovely as ever photos and warm personality. xox
