Tuesday, April 21

Warm and sunny, a blue sky and little cloud with a north-westerly wind. Today, for the first time in the garden, I see a male orange tip butterfly, along with a holly blue, peacock, small white, tortoiseshell and speckled wood. Following my every move around the garden, hoverflies are buzzing in my ears. Bees are finding nectar inside flowers of the yellow deadnettle and a wasp is on the ivy. I am enjoying the sound of a male blackbird singing in a neighbouring conifer tree and watching the dunnocks on the feeder. A local black cat who visits daily is watching me from the steps which lead to the top of the garden. The snails are attacking my hostas in pots, I knew they would; and brushing past a white iris I break off an emerging flower stem, I knew I would!

Divide primroses to make extra plants to fill in gaps in the borders.


  1. What a lovely first post for this new blog!
    There's been plenty of butterflies fluttering round the plot in this warm weather.
    I've only ever seen dunnocks on the ground never on the feeders. Flighty xx

  2. That looks like a beautiful book that has inspired you. I can imagine myself there as I read your descriptions. xox

  3. Riches beyond compare

  4. all those butterflies, lovely! Nicely written nature notes too
